Make a Difference: SA Ladies’ Team Fundraising Raffle Inside!

“Hello everyone,

As you know, most of the ‘Blue’ ladies’ team has been chosen to represent South Africa in the 55s age group at the World Cup in New Zealand. We’re working hard to get there.

The SA Ladies 55s have organized a raffle to raise funds for our tour. Many of the ladies require extra financial assistance to attend. If we don’t achieve our goal, it could mean withdrawing our 55 team. We’d be grateful if you could share the attached link with all the GM men’s sides. There’s no pressure to purchase a ticket, but every small contribution brings us closer to our ‘goal.’

Thank you for your support!

Kind regards, Brigitte Jenkinson

P.S. While we’re aware that many GM men are attending the same World Cup, our squad is happy to support their fundraising efforts as well.”

Donate here:

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