Final update before we start Winter League with six teams – July 2023

Hi all,

By now, you should have been contacted about the games next week when we move to 6 teams. The fixtures and teams are now live on the website, so you can view them. The website for those who are not sure is

A final few things:

  • A note about goalies
  • How subs/allocations work
  • Notes about payment


Note about Goalies

We currently anticipate that the goalies may need to double up. Dereck is not available until August, and one of the goalies has limited availability. Gary Frayne will work with the goalies available to allocate a goalie per team for each game. Team admins must work with Gary to sort this out.

Notes about subs

As before, we will substitute like-for-like players should teams be short. With several players having issues on Wednesday, and the average number of players per team now just above 15, we expect that we may need a few subs for some games. If your team has a fixture Wednesday and you would like to play as a sub in the Monday game, please notify your team admin. The same applies to Wednesdays. Around 2 players per team had issues with Wednesdays, so we may need some players playing on Monday to sub for any teams that are short on Wednesday.

Team admins, please work with Gary if they are short.

Notes about payment

If you pay upfront, you will be given the discount of the equivalent of R60 per scheduled game, rather than the R65 per game. Any player that pays up front will not need to pay if they fill in on the day that their team is not scheduled to play. If you are paying per game, then you need to pay R65 per game played regardless.

When paying PLEASE use the reference name/WLeague2, if you want to send a POP it must go to Noreen at NOT to Rob Birt.

Just a summary of what is due:

  • If you paid for the full Winter League already, pay R360
  • If you have not paid anything, then it is R65 x the number of games played. Should you then want to pre-pay for the next Winter league games then pay R600

If you want to contribute to the pay-for-a-mate, you can top up your payment and add PFM to the reference or pay separately.

If you need any financial assistance, then email Noreen with your reason and she will respond.

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