WPGM Hockey Update Sep 2023

With just a few games left in the winter league, it is time for an update.

6 teams going forward

Despite some comments from some players, most of the admins and players have been positive about the move to 6 teams. Except for the blue team, most of the teams have typically had full teams with players allocated to that team, for most of the games. This is a significant gain, considering that at the beginning of the winter league, people were complaining of no game time. We feel this has worked, thanks to the admins and Gary Frayne putting in a few hours, all the games have had 11 or more players on each side.

We have had a few injuries from IPT, and some people have been away, so will do a small shuffle of the sides based on the answer provided in the survey, you can answer below (at the bottom).

Furthermore, we are also keen to see new players. So spread the word. Remember for the first game a player is the guest of the person inviting them, and then they are allocated a team.

Summer League 23-24

We have exciting news about the upcoming Summer League, which is set to begin in the first week of October.

We’ve secured three time slots on Thursdays at WPCC: 18:15, 19:15, and 20:15. All our games will be held at WPCC.

Please note that we will no longer offer a payment-per-game option due to management challenges. Instead, we will only have a payment-per-season system. The specific amounts will be confirmed in a future league update.

Availability for Summer League 23-24

We are keen to know your availability for the upcoming Summer League. To provide your availability, please complete the form before September 8th by clicking the link provided below.

Thank you for your continued support and participation in the WPGM Hockey League! Your feedback and engagement are essential in making our league better.

Click here to confirm availability…

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