Category: Meetings

Minutes of the WPGMHA AGM 2024

Meeting held at 20:05 on 15 Feb April at WPCC

Attendance: Register below. No Zoom attendees

Apologies: As below


  1. JP Welcomed all.
  2. Adoption of the minutes of the AGM of the WPGMHA held at the WPCC 2023
    • Proposed RB seconded CH.
  3. Award of League Trophy
    • JP stated that the league was competitive, and this is a good thing, and this has affected the Spirit of Masters. Since the meeting the spirit Is far better, umpires have noticed the difference.
    • Winner Yellow team, top goal scorer GB
  4. SAGM — MOA vote submitted changes.
    • JP explained that as part of the AGM we are having a SGM to verify the MOU. No comments in writing.
    • DstD stated the MOU is signed, it sums up the essentially of the 2 constitutions. And forms an understanding between the two bodies. The MOU was published and sent to all. WP masters are happy with what they do, and are happy with what we do, and neither party really wants to interfere with each other. Our success is important for them to continue playing hockey.
    • MOU took 6 months to construct and congrats to GT in getting the agreement in place.
    • NvB asked if the plan it to still have a single body, DstD at the moment there are still issues with this merge. We at WP are the leading way. We are proposing that IPTs are separated. Nothing is decided on SA level.TH asked what the structure is. DstD said it was in the MOU.
    • RB stated that this IPT has shown that the close dates cause an issue.JP stated the MOU is one step in the process, we need to have changes to the committee. We need to vote as to whether the committee can go ahead.
    • DstD stated that we need to make changes to the constitution.
    • It was unanimous that we give the committee the mandate to proceeds.
  5. Remembrance wall for masters – to be virtual
    • A reembrace wall has been proposed. The idea is to create a virtual wall on the website.
  6. Finances
    • NW – financials were emailed to all.NW end of last year we had 80k, we used 10k to have the second defib. We made R20k profit from the IPT, thanks to Vinnie, he was thanked. Of the 20k we are using this to assist the coaches to assist to get to IPT.NW – we make a little profit from our fees, not much. Not all the members of the 6 teams are paying so we are covering our costs and making a little.
    • NW – Physio and first aid have had a little increase.
    • PK stated we should pay per season, and defaulters should be excluded from the league. WM explained that we did state that people must pa per season or half a season, and there were a few queries about this. This issue was moved to maters arising.
    • NW thanked BA for the finances.
    • TH said that the way any extra funds are being distributed, should be transparent. NW stated it was in the financials.
  7. Nominations for WPGM committee.
    • The positions nominated and agreed
    • Chairman:Nomination of KL to be chairman, accepted.
    • Treasurer: NW nominated and accepted.
    • Secretary:WM nominated and accepted.
    • Player affairs (2 members):GF and DMa nominated and accepted.
    • Disciplinary affairs: RB nominated and accepted.
    • General member: NL nominated and accepted.
  8. Matters Arising
    • NW stated that WP caps are available.
    • NW also said the bucket hats are also available.
    • NW stated there is place that she is looking at soft peaks.
    • BCr – asked if we are resolving the issue that those not paying need to be excluded. We need to pay per season. KL stated that there should be exceptions. PK stated that there are some people who are not requesting relief and are not paying, and they should be excluded. It was agreed this would be the case.
    • DstD stated there is no definition for a member. It is proposing that there should be a separate subscription.RB stated there may be issues with SAHA fees.
    • DstD asked how national selection is done. We have had no national selector, and wanted to know what the WPGM committee needs to address this. RB stated responses were sent to all. JP stated that the coaches do the selection.Voting at SAGM is that a delegate and a vote per team. So we only have 1+3 (maybe 2, not sure if 55s have a vote) sides. We need to consider this when sending sides.
    • DstD stated that the delegate is asked to vote on issues, and this needs to come back to the members. He wanted clarity on this. RB stated that the AGM agenda will be published soon, and at the moment there are no issues to vote for.KL stated that we have had no vote to amalgamate SA Master and SA GM, so it cannot amalgamate unless it is ratified.RB stated that FIH has prescribed that Masters and GM must amalgamated. The MOU is a consequence.BF state that he felt that WP is drifting away from SA Masters / SA GM, we need to get someone on the committee.
    • RB stated that he has sent out documentations to ask for nominations.JP stated that KL is to be proposed as chairman.
    • BW asked if Barry would stand down, It was not clear.

Meeting closed at 21:55


 Attendance Register WPGM AGM 2024

AI — Allan Issacs GI — Grant Irlam
AR — Andreas Redenz IF – Ian Faulkner
BC – Robbert (Bob) Commin JP – John Potgieter
BF — Robert (Bobby) Freeman JS —John Shardlow
BCr — Brent Crombrink KL – Karl Luff
BG — Brian Goemans LL – Leon Lategan
BW — Bryan Webster LS — Larry Sherman
CdlH —Colin de la Harpe MD — Martin Duys
CH — Chris Hayley MoK – Mike O’Keefe
CR — Cliff Rutherford NL – Neil Lavin
DM — Dereck Marnewick NvB – Nel van Blerk
DMa – Deon Maart NW – Noreen Wonnacott
DMc — Dave McKechnie PK – Peter Kratz
DstD — Danny St Dare PS — Peter Shardlow
EF – Edmund Fisher RB – Robert Birt
FA — Frank Aspeling SD – Stephen Dugmore
FS — Fanie Steffans TH – Tony Hugget
GB — Glyn Bedford TJ — Trevor Joao
GF – Gary Frayne TK — Trevor Knight
GI — Grant Irlam WM – Warren Machanik

 Apologies WPGM AGM 2024

Brian Alcock (BA) Clive Belcher
Glenn Turner John Donald
Dereck McMahon  

SL23-24 Wrapup, IPT Prep and AGM

Wrap-up of summer league

This week we wrap up Summer League. It has been great fun for all those who attended, thanks to all the players, umpires, admins, physios and first aiders. 

IPT Prep

From 15 Feb we go into the IPT Prep games. The structure of this preparation stage will be that 4 sides play games, one side then practices. All players that are not in squads are welcome we will need every one of you to make sure we have full teams. If you are not in an IPT team, please email Gary, who will be allocating extra players to the various teams. Gary’s email is

The colours of the teams are:


Here are the fixtures for these warmups:

DateWPCC B 18:15WPCC A 18:30WPCC B 19:15


​After the games on the 15th is the AGM. All are welcome. The agenda is here…

Nomination forms are below…

WPGMHA November updates – MOU, Meeting and IPT 2024

There are 3 items of news.

1. MOU

Dear WPGM Members please find attached the signed Memorandum of understanding that has been put forward by the sub-committee in charge of producing it. It is now signed, and it is available for you to request amendments or approve. In the new year we will have a meeting to finalise any amendments and then the members can approve the MOU. Contact the committee to get a copy.

2. Meeting about on the park issues.

Some members have approached the committee about problems on the park. We want to fix these problems. Hence, we request you to attend a meeting next week on November 30, 2023. The meeting will happen after the last game on Thursday the 30th at 8:45 PM. We hope the meeting will be short. If you have something to say, please keep it short and to the point.

Let’s solve these problems and make sure we all have fun playing Grand Masters.

3. IPT availability for March 2024

We are required to submit the number of teams that will be going to IPT 21-24 March 2024. Please complete form available via the button to help us determine the number of teams we will be sending.